Argh, Shellshock

So... I decided to play ShellShock today. And that level. That friggin' portal level from hell. I'm not going to embarrass myself by telling you how many tries it took but I earned this achievement in the process:

Not that all 100 mission attempts were THIS mission but yeah. Only 13% of players have this achievement. Only 13% of players suck that bad. And I haven't even finished the missions yet. Heh. >.>

I was able to clear all the others with relative ease (as in, I only had to do them once or twice before figuring them out) but this one continuously kicked my ass. I'm not sure why I was having so much trouble with it but argh. I think the portals were throwing me off. I just couldn't grasp how to do it. I even watched some videos but they were all relying on Big Shot WHICH I DON'T HAVE. I finally figured it out on my own. I guess maybe I should be proud of that.

I'm getting somewhat better at understanding where certain shots will land, but I'm far from being comfortable with any of the shots that I take. It's basically set up, fire, hope - and then pass or fail. Generally fail, sometimes pass. It's still an entertaining enough little game. I didn't have much energy in me tonight so this was a good choice I think.

It's pretty late so I'm not going to do a super long post. I'll probably try to get some FFIX in tomorrow, and since it's Friday, I can stay up late playing. Not that 1am isn't late and all but you know, relatively speaking. Good night everyone. <3



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