Gaming Blogs

And... BE3 updates from Bethesda

And... BE3 updates from Bethesda
Heyyy, everyone! It's been ages since I made a game update, and what better place to pick back up than with Bethesda at E3. I will confess that...

Collecting Dragon Age media

Collecting Dragon Age media
I spent some of this afternoon going over the other media associated with Dragon Age, and figuring out exactly what I’m still missing. From what I ...

Drowning in MMOs - send help!

Drowning in MMOs - send help!
So I know I kind of disappeared for a few days... and I know that it comes on the tail of disappearing for a few months. For that, I’m sorry! But. ...

Doing new things in old games

Doing new things in old games
So this happened last night, at Paragon level 752, solo: While I have managed to get my Paragon level pretty high in the past, I have _never_ reac...

Dragon Age TRPG!

Dragon Age TRPG!
"The puppies are here! Ohhh, the puppies are here!" Wait. Not puppies.My Dragon Age books are here! Yay! Super squee!

Huge break, same old, new Beta, and TRPGs - Did I miss anything?

Huge break, same old, new Beta, and TRPGs - Did I miss anything?
Sooooo, it’s been a very long time since I last updated this blog. I wish I had a good excuse –writer’s block, major catastrophe, imminent death, e...

Ahhh! Overwatch is taking over

Ahhh! Overwatch is taking over
So yeah... I chose a self-glorifying image for this post. Gotta boost that ego. ;) J/K. I'm really not all that good at Overwatch, but it is sooooo...

Experimenting in Overwatch

Experimenting in Overwatch
I spent a bit more time running around with different characters in the Practice Range, and I think I might actually prefer Moira to Mercy - maybe....

I did it - I tried Overwatch

I did it - I tried Overwatch
Super short post - really just an update.I tried Overwatch. Blizzard offered a free trial-play period, May 25th-28th, and I decided that I didn't h...

Forgotton Anne Review (May 2018)

Forgotton Anne Review (May 2018)
After two full playthroughs, multiple re-dos of different parts of the game, and almost 44 hours invested (a good part of that was time spent AFK a...

And... another game done

And... another game done
I finished Forgotton Anne today, and have started replaying it over again. I'm determined to finish the achievements (I'm currently sitting at 28/3...

New game started: Forgotton Anne

New game started: Forgotton Anne
So it's really late - I may have stayed up later than I intended to playing a new game - and this is going to be a lot shorter of a post than I was...