Collecting Dragon Age media

I spent some of this afternoon going over the other media associated with Dragon Age, and figuring out exactly what I’m still missing. From what I can tell, there are  five purchasable things left for me to collect. Among those is a 133-page graphic novel, simply called Dragon Age Volume 1, written by Orson Scott Card. Unfortunately it appears to be out of print, and the cheapest new copy that I could find on Amazon is:

Adding that to my cart brought it up to a whopping $241.65 - way, way, WAY higher than the original total.

I get that money makes the world go 'round, and that people like to profit off of hard-to-find books... but ouch. Really, ouch. I hate buying second hand books online without any idea what condition they will actually arrive in, so I almost always look for new. And I guess, too-bad-so-sad-me. *sigh* I feel like I'll probably wait, and hope, and wait some more. The cart will be sitting there for a while, anyway.

On the bright side, I am most of the way there in my collecting and that does make me extraordinarily happy. I love Dragon Age. I love Thedas. I love the stories and world they spun and built and brought to life. It almost feels like a second home, and I relish every chance I get to just immerse myself in that universe and forget that I live in this one. I like to breathe deeply of it. I can't count how many times I've played Dragon Age: Origins, Awakening, 2 - more than both my hands' worth in original saves, that's for sure - and I still want to play them over again. If I couldn't play any other game series for the rest of my life, I'm pretty sure I'd be perfectly content with just this one.

That's not to say that I don't enjoy other games - I do. I just enjoy Dragon Age most. I'm pretty sure that for better or worse, Dragon Age takes top spot in my heart. Let's hope it never breaks it.

Keep on keeping on, BioWare. I need my fix.

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