Played some games, coded some stuff

So tonight has been interesting. I played Don't Starve Together with L. for a little while earlier and in the first game, starving wasn't the issue! My poor little firestarter, who clearly prefers the warmth of a flame, perished in the winter weather just trying to make it back to his camp. We ended up starting a different game, but that has me worried about my survivability come winter as we progress in any save. I really like playing Willow as she comes with a teddy bear and a zippo - my kind of girl - so I'd rather not have to change to a different character. That aside, our new game was fun. For once we had plenty of food (yay cooking) and L.'s spear made handy work of the hounds when they came 'a callin'. We stopped playing earlier than normal as my head was killing me and I was just exhausted. I wasn't ready for bed so...

I took a few minutes to make tea and unwind, then set to work on my blog for a little bit. I know this isn't really gaming related but it is blog related and well, ya know. I was trying to get an app properly set up and I had to mess with CSS and the code in the liquid files. I have zero training in that kind of stuff so there was a lot of trial and error, and Googling. Oh, the searches. I finally got it to work and it looks... well, it works. I'm hoping it never stops working because I really don't relish the idea of having to fix it or (even worse) start over. Part of me wants to get some training because clearly I somewhat like doing this kind of stuff and if I knew what I was doing I'd probably really like doing this kind of stuff, but another part is worried that I'll never be able to wrap my mind around it. It really is like learning a new language. I guess I could spend my personal development time at work studying code and see where that takes me. Who knows, maybe I'll end up making themes and apps.

Anyway. Once I got that working, I hopped into Skyborn for a bit. I worked my way through two different mazes and ended up with three different save files. I think I'm going to go over it again tomorrow when I'm not as tired and make sure that I didn't miss anything super important. It is almost 5am, and I didn't sleep well last night, so my brain is slightly fried and my attention isn't as sharp as it should be when playing a game. I had fun though, and I really do like the game a lot. I think that once I'm finished, I'll write a full review and get that up on the blog. In the meantime, I'm going to crash and get some much needed rest. I will leave you with some screenshots from Skyborn though, because I'm nice like that. All the pictures, all the time. Goodnight everyone!



  • That might actually be fun – learning together I mean. :) I’ve been picking up little bits here and there, but it’s mostly following along to guides, or trial and error. I don’t have any sort of in-depth knowledge.

    She Plays, She Blogs
  • You know Shopify was looking to hire experts to assist people with liquid, they have courses and such if you want to get into that.

    I was considering it myself actually because of everything I learned doing our own site, mostly puzzle piecing stuff together though. You should definitely look into learning liquid! Maybe we could even look at scheduling time to learn together ! heh =^-~=


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