A little bit more time in the BFA alpha, and PAX East games

So last Thursday, before I left for the US, D. and I played some of the Battle For Azeroth alpha. Usually when I play I just run around exploring but, with a friend there to play with me, we actually worked on quests. And got intimately familiar with the /reload command.

The game in its present form is suuuuuper buggy. Unless you /reload after every quest turn in, you have no way of tracking the new quests you're given because the old quests get stuck in the quest log. /reload seems to fix things, which is a workaround for now, but hopefully they'll have that fixed up soon since it's a huge pain in the ass. There were also issues with quests not updating as you go. We had one quest to talk to street scamps and it was forever stuck on 1/5, until it finally just jumped to 4/5 and then complete.

There were a few other noticeable bugs along the way. A wall that looked way too reflective, a tile that could not be walked over.

Random shadows of dragons on the ground.

An innkeeper lost in a bench.

A beggar lost in a rock.

The world disappearing in one random room.

My character falling into a barely visible hole in the ground with no exit.

I had to auto-unstuck / release to the graveyard (die) to get out of it.

And D. came across a random panel of water just floating in the air.

Don't get me wrong, we had a lot of fun, but the game is very clearly still in alpha testing and we were submitting bug reports with every quest we completed. We even started one quest to take us to a new zone, only to find ourselves there with the quest still active (/reload did nothing) and no new quests to pick up. We ended up having to hearth, but for some reason our hearths were in completely different places and then it was a long run to meet back up.

I also died jumping into water, which has NEVER happened before. Excitement for days.

The placement of certain things is also kind of... special. Right before logging out, we entered a horde encampment, only to run up a small slope and end up chased back into the horde encampment by alliance guards. They were literally placed several feet apart. Like, what?!

I'm actually really looking forward to playing some more because the scenery is gorgeous and I'm liking the troll zone we're in. I want to see where the story is going, even if it does kind of ruin if for me at launch. I think D. is happy that we're playing horde, since his normal faction is alliance so not too much will be ruined for him. Alpha testers are automatically given beta access, so we'll have plenty of time to work our way through the story line and review it as we go.

That also means plenty of updates for you guys. Woo! For now though, bed. It's been a long, hard day for me and I just don't have the energy to write a super long post. I will say that I tried to play Bendy and the Ink Machine today after seeing it at PAX East, but it triggered my motion sickness almost immediately so it may be off my list. I'm thinking of trying Overwatch in the near future, since the cinematics grabbed my attention at the con, but I'm not feeling super confident that I'll get through that one either. Sometimes I really hate my motion sickness and the limitations that it places on me. If anyone has any suggestions for real life workarounds or band-aid solutions, please reach out. I will gladly take any and all help that I can get.

But yeah. Bed. Sleep. Nothingness. Good night guys. <3

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