Child of Light & FFXIV... yay, fun time-wasters

So lately I've been playing Child of Light (I'm about 7 hours in) and I'm loving it! The art is amazing! It looks like a blend of computer animation and watercolours. The game also loves to rhyme, which might bother some but I really enjoy it (I'm a mom, it reminds me of Dr. Seuss)! I don't have a full review ready, since I'm still playing, but I wanted to get something out there. What I can say, for those of you that are following and may want to try it, is that it is a platformer role-playing game, with some very basic puzzles, and it uses a kind of active-time battle system that really works for it.

The menu is fairly intuitive and easy to navigate, but I figured that I'd make a video anyways. If anything, it may convince some people to try the game! You can find that below.


Other than that, there's FFXIV. I haven't been playing as much as usual but I have been playing. I run Palace of the Dead most Thursdays with some FC mates on Faerie (Kikimi Kimi if you'd like to reach out), and the rest of my FFXIV time is usually spent as Rairakku Tennyo on Midgardsormr. If anyone wants to pop in a hello, please feel free. I'm always up for making new friends.



  • I’m glad! It’s a really good game. :D

    She Plays, She Blogs
  • Oh, we both really enjoyed this! =^-^= Child of light, that is…


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