Game suggestions - toss them at me

I didn't get to play anything tonight because the power went out. And, it's still out.

So instead of trying to think of some random game related thing to blog about without actually being able to play it, I'm just going to open the floor up to you guys in the hopes that someone will share a game or two that they think I'll love. Honestly, 99% of what I watch, read, and play is from suggestions so this is a huge thing I'm asking of you. I want you to help me grow my world (of gaming). Suggest things that will teach me. Suggest things that will shock me. Suggest things that are sooooo bad that they just need to be experienced. Or, suggest the best game you've ever played. If you want to, tell me why you're making the suggestion. ;)

I am not expecting to get many responses - surprise me. I'll appreciate it more than you can imagine (my favourite video game ever, DA:O, was suggested by my best friend). Have a great night everyone. <3

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