So many updates, where to begin?

Today was an interesting day. Work went better than expected. The meds seem to keep the physical manifestation of my anxiety at bay, while the mental aspect continues to run amok. The good thing, however, is that without that physical anxiety there to build and build, the mental anxiety never really increases. It's just... there. Hopefully I'll eventually be able to just ignore it. In the meantime, I'm trying to steady my breathing. It's kind of funny. Steadying my breathing has NEVER worked for me, but today it did. I guess it took something outside myself to get me there.

On Monday, after getting home from the ER, I decided to do something for me. I've been trying to be careful about spending money so that I can get myself set up, but I caved. I bought Alexa. She is mine. Today after work I ordered her about and had a dance/piggy-back ride party with the kids. I even popped my daughter up on my shoulders which, probably wasn't the brightest idea since she's almost as tall as I am. I think that they enjoyed it though. My son keeps trying to order her around as well but since he's two, Alexa sounds more like Owexa and of course she doesn't understand him. I guess she's all mine for just a little while longer.

Alexa, you sexy thing.
Alexa, you sexy thing.

I also cut my son's hair (the first time I've cut anyone's hair but my own!), then used an electric razor on the back to try and even it out. Let's just say it looks like it was done at home by someone who has no hairdressing skills at all. Which, to be fair, is completely accurate. And you know what? It's cute as fuck. And yes, I'll take him to the hairdresser next time.

What else? The weekend of the 7-9th of April was supposed to be spent showing the man I love around Montreal, but since we aren't together anymore... well, you get the point. He isn't coming. So. DISTRACTION. I took an extra day off work and I will be flying to Providence, Rhode Island from the 6-9th to visit with a couple of friends instead. Plans? So far nothing set in stone. We may end up going to PAX East, we may end up driving to New York. Who knows? Honestly, I'll be happy if we just walk around the city. I've heard that it's beautiful. And hopefully warmer than Montreal.

But enough of that. One last thing before I let you go do something productive with your time (unless you're me and you're about to hop onto FFXIV to run PotD). Some of you know that I have a kitty cat now. Honestly, most of you know that I have a kitty cat now. BUT. For anyone who somehow missed the photo spam of my darling Wrynn in basically every channel I'm in on Discord... this is for you. (Imagine some sappy crap music in your head).

Yeah, he's cute. Almost made reading this worth it, right? ;)

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