Oh, Palace of the Dead and random FFXIV fun

Well it's Thursday, which means Palace of the Dead! We cleared through 160 last week and picked back up today, only to wipe on 181. Again. To chimeras. Again. I swear we are never making it through that place alive. I'm not sure exactly what our issue is. We work well as a team but we can't seem to make it past this set of 10 floors. Every wipe has been between 181 and 185. Ugh. 

I don't know what our plan is going forward (if we are going forward) but I'm hopeful that I will eventually clear 200. I mean, at this point it's just stubbornness. It's happening! I've been through there way too often NOT to clear.

Kikimi is determined.

After PotD I bummed around on Discord with some friends for a bit and then queued up for an expert roulette with L and B. We got Hell's Lid. I recorded the whole damn thing, just to accidentally click out of it at the end and lose it. ._. I am the uber derp. This is the second time I've done that since I started recording videos. Eventually I'll learn. Maybe. Possibly. Probably not. I tend to rashly click things that pop up and obscure my view, which is basically what happened each time. Ah well. I have something else for you instead. I present to you, Rairakku takes on Sastasha (levelling roulette)!

Amazing, I know. It's not nearly as interesting as Hell's Lid, but hey, it's something. And for those of you who have never played FFXIV, it gives you a chance to see just how beautiful this game really is.

And finally, here... if you're really bored. Feel free to watch ME be bored. Yes, I promise that this video is that much fun. >.> (It's not.) Have a great night everyone.

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