Headaches are fun, and other things.

So I woke up today with the mother of all headaches, a child who could not go to school, and no arranged childcare. Sooooo... I sent an email to work saying I was taking a personal day, and did just that.

The blasted headache is still hanging around, and I'm pretty sure it's due to the fact that I haven't really been eating properly. The sight of most food just makes me feel nauseous and sometimes even the smell makes me sick. Honestly, I have no real interest in eating. If it weren't for the headaches, I probably wouldn't bother. My appetite has been non-existent the last little while and I've been skipping meals. It tends to happen when I'm depressed. Pretty much the only thing I can stomach is chocolate, and at the rate that I've been eating it I'll be diabetic next week (mostly a joke, I know it doesn't really work like that). I actually felt like eating a banana today but we had none so... my luck. We almost always have bananas in the fruit bowl. Anyway.

I managed to get out of the house for a little bit this afternoon, and I dragged my daughter with me. She was very excited to have hot chocolate so we made a stop at the Second Cup and ate... ahem... a super healthy and very late... lunch? She actually had a real lunch at lunchtime, but this was mine.

Doesn't she look happy?

After Second Cup we made a quick stop at the store for some last minute items I'll need for my trip to Massachusetts / Rhode Island this weekend, and then we came home and I got to spend some more time with both little buggers. My daughter really loves playing with the cat and wanted me to take a picture, so I did.

Please ignore my gross slippers and look at the pretty child instead.

Clearly the cat is uninterested. I'm not sure if he's uninterested in my daughter's loving or the picture taking, but his facial expression indicates that he wants no part in whatever's going on. He's generally a pretty affectionate cat, so I'm willing to bet that he's just completely over having his picture taken. I can't say that I really blame him - I hate having my picture taken too.

The rest of the day was pretty straightforward. We had supper, I cleaned up, their dad went off to work, and I chased after the both of them until bedtime. Thing 2 tried to keep me by getting comfortable in my arms after I sang to him, Thing 1 tried to keep me by reading to me as slowly as she possibly could, and I eventually extricated myself from both of them and ended up here, writing this post for you fine folk.

Does that line make anyone else think of Titanic? "You fine folk." Just me? Oh well, it's the end of this blog entry anyway so I might as well look up the actual quote and leave you with it.

"I've got everything I need right here with me. I got air in my lungs, a few blank sheets of paper. I mean, I love waking up in the morning not knowing what's gonna happen or who I'm gonna meet, where I'm gonna end up. Just the other night I was sleeping under a bridge and now here I am on the grandest ship in the world, having dinner with you fine folk. I figure life's a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. You don't know what hand you're gonna get dealt next. You learn to take life as it is, to make each day count."

It's a good quote, n'est-ce pas? And kind of fitting considering my emotional and mental state lately. Have a great evening everyone.

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