Gaming Blogs

And... another game done

And... another game done
I finished Forgotton Anne today, and have started replaying it over again. I'm determined to finish the achievements (I'm currently sitting at 28/3...

Too much time in game - my eyes, they burn

Too much time in game - my eyes, they burn
So I played a little bit of FFIX earlier today but I wasn't really feeling it. I kept running into constant battles and it was aggravating me - it ...

A little bit of FF9, a little bit of Shellshock

A little bit of FF9, a little bit of Shellshock
I spent a little bit of time playing FFIX this evening, but as my head has been a ball of pain for 2 days now, and aching for days before that... I...

Next up: Final Fantasy IX

Next up: Final Fantasy IX
So it may seem strange to all of you, but the first Final Fantasy game I ever played was Final Fantasy X, and moving forward from then I've only pl...