Gaming Blogs
Huge break, same old, new Beta, and TRPGs - Did I miss anything?
Sooooo, it’s been a very long time since I last updated this blog. I wish I had a good excuse –writer’s block, major catastrophe, imminent death, e...
And... another game done
I finished Forgotton Anne today, and have started replaying it over again. I'm determined to finish the achievements (I'm currently sitting at 28/3...
Fun-filled Friday evening with friends
So I started off yesterday evening with some ShellshockLive. I'm actually enjoying it... I think. I play alone so it's mostly about challenging mys...
Hatching-tide egghilaration on Easter
So as always, I was last minute in doing the event.For those of you who are new to FFXIV or haven't played it at all, Hatching-tide is the in-game ...
Oh, Palace of the Dead and random FFXIV fun
Well it's Thursday, which means Palace of the Dead! We cleared through 160 last week and picked back up today, only to wipe on 181. Again. To chime...
Child of Light & FFXIV... yay, fun time-wasters
So lately I've been playing Child of Light (I'm about 7 hours in) and I'm loving it! The art is amazing! It looks like a blend of computer animatio...