Gaming Blogs

Experimenting in Overwatch

Experimenting in Overwatch
I spent a bit more time running around with different characters in the Practice Range, and I think I might actually prefer Moira to Mercy - maybe....

I did it - I tried Overwatch

I did it - I tried Overwatch
Super short post - really just an update.I tried Overwatch. Blizzard offered a free trial-play period, May 25th-28th, and I decided that I didn't h...

Forgotton Anne Review (May 2018)

Forgotton Anne Review (May 2018)
After two full playthroughs, multiple re-dos of different parts of the game, and almost 44 hours invested (a good part of that was time spent AFK a...

And... another game done

And... another game done
I finished Forgotton Anne today, and have started replaying it over again. I'm determined to finish the achievements (I'm currently sitting at 28/3...

New game started: Forgotton Anne

New game started: Forgotton Anne
So it's really late - I may have stayed up later than I intended to playing a new game - and this is going to be a lot shorter of a post than I was...

Not much going on - little break

Not much going on - little break
So I've spent the last few evenings playing Diablo III and Don't Starve Together with friends. After completing three solo games back-to-back and w...

Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna) + Foxtales DLC Review (May 2018)

Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna) + Foxtales DLC Review (May 2018)
The time to write my next review came around much faster than I thought it would when I started playing Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna) last night....

Whispering Willows Review (May 2018)

Whispering Willows Review (May 2018)
Welcome to my Whispering Willows review. This is going to be the shortest review I've ever written, as this was by far the shortest game I've ever ...

Played some WoW - Photo Log

Played some WoW - Photo Log

Skyborn Review (April/May 2018)

Skyborn Review (April/May 2018)
Skyborn. What to say? I'm going to be completely honest and admit that I picked up this game because I was depressed, I wanted to buy SOMETHING, i...

And on that note...

And on that note...
I spent this evening with Skyborn, finishing up the tasks that I had left and making my way through endgame. It's complete, and I'm satisfied. 24/...

An evening of me failing (L2P noob?)

An evening of me failing (L2P noob?)
The title pretty much summarizes my evening, though I did have a lot of fun failing. After last night's success, I decided to give it my all with t...