Gaming Blogs

What now? More WoW!

What now? More WoW!
Now that I've completed Child of Light, I'm left with the question of what to play next. For tonight, that answer was obvious! I continued to play ...

Child of Light Review (March/April 2018)

Child of Light Review (March/April 2018)
The time has finally come. I've finished Child of Light. *queue the sad music and crying* Honestly, before I say anything else... This game is bea...

Child of Light screenshots

Child of Light screenshots
So since I'm sick, and I don't really feel like writing two full length blogs, I'm just going to leave you with a bunch of screenshots. Because the...

A little bit more time in the BFA alpha, and PAX East games

A little bit more time in the BFA alpha, and PAX East games
So last Thursday, before I left for the US, D. and I played some of the Battle For Azeroth alpha. Usually when I play I just run around exploring b...

That time I went to PAX East 2018

That time I went to PAX East 2018
So on Sunday I attended my second ever convention, PAX East 2018 - my first was Montreal Comic Con 2017. I'm not really sure what I was expecting,...

Game suggestions - toss them at me

Game suggestions - toss them at me
I didn't get to play anything tonight because the power went out. And, it's still out.So instead of trying to think of some random game related thi...

Some more progression through Child of Light

Some more progression through Child of Light
To start off - I was recording video but somehow screwed it up yet again. When I try to play it, it gives me this: Always fun. Half an hour of rec...

A little bit more from the Battle For Azeroth Alpha

A little bit more from the Battle For Azeroth Alpha
This isn't going to be a blog post so much as just a half-hearted attempt at giving you guys SOMETHING. I've spent most of the evening/night listen...

Hatching-tide egghilaration on Easter

Hatching-tide egghilaration on Easter
So as always, I was last minute in doing the event.For those of you who are new to FFXIV or haven't played it at all, Hatching-tide is the in-game ...