Gaming Blogs

Child of Light Review (March/April 2018)

Child of Light Review (March/April 2018)
The time has finally come. I've finished Child of Light. *queue the sad music and crying* Honestly, before I say anything else... This game is bea...

Child of Light screenshots

Child of Light screenshots
So since I'm sick, and I don't really feel like writing two full length blogs, I'm just going to leave you with a bunch of screenshots. Because the...

Some more progression through Child of Light

Some more progression through Child of Light
To start off - I was recording video but somehow screwed it up yet again. When I try to play it, it gives me this: Always fun. Half an hour of rec...

Child of Light & FFXIV... yay, fun time-wasters

Child of Light & FFXIV... yay, fun time-wasters
So lately I've been playing Child of Light (I'm about 7 hours in) and I'm loving it! The art is amazing! It looks like a blend of computer animatio...