Gaming Blogs

Guess who got into the Battle For Azeroth Alpha?

Guess who got into the Battle For Azeroth Alpha?
This girl! This girl!I'm not going to lie. When I first opened my email and saw this: I was sure that my account was being phished. I mean, really...

Oh, Palace of the Dead and random FFXIV fun

Oh, Palace of the Dead and random FFXIV fun
Well it's Thursday, which means Palace of the Dead! We cleared through 160 last week and picked back up today, only to wipe on 181. Again. To chime...

Child of Light & FFXIV... yay, fun time-wasters

Child of Light & FFXIV... yay, fun time-wasters
So lately I've been playing Child of Light (I'm about 7 hours in) and I'm loving it! The art is amazing! It looks like a blend of computer animatio...